ORIGIN: The New Crowdsourced Radiator from IRSAP

On May 31st, IRSAP announced the release of Origin, the electric radiator born from the creativity of the Desall community.

A testament to collaborative innovation, Origin traces its roots back to a 2019 design contest, an event marked by a surge of creative energy and a common vision for the future of heating. 

Amid the sea of 343 unique ideas, Origin emerged, conceived by award-winning Italian architect and designer, Tommaso Balladore

We’re proud to be a part of this exciting jorney alongside our fantastic community of designers and innovators. 

Scroll to see the original work submitted in Interior Décor Radiators by Balladore and visit the official product page for more images. 

(Wait there’s more… check out Polygon, another smart (and award-winning) radiator born in Desall.)

Origin by IRSAP

Origin by IRSAP

Origin by IRSAP


Category: On the market, ...

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