Battery Lawn Tools and Powerhead – Winner announcement


Winner announcement today for two really tough competitions on Battery Lawn Tools and Battery Lawn Powerhead. Participants were invited to design a new collection of battery handheld tools for gardening (brush cutter, hedge trimmer and blower) and the powerhead for a new line of lawn mowers, including a battery to be employed across all the products.

The technical constraints were quite strict: participants had to start from the 3D files provided with the contests, containing the electronics and other elements to be fit inside the various products. Ergonomics was also a very important aspect, alongside the stylistic coherence between the various products (to form a new collection as a whole), their compactness, the degree of innovation and the project presentation.

The results were really impressive!

In order to keep the same family feeling across the various products, the sponsor has decided to assign both awards (Battery Lawn Tools and Battery Lawn Powerhead) to the same designer. The decision was taken to allow the creation of a coherent family of products. In addition, given the superb quality of his work they have decided to assign him a further bonus!

Our announcements though are not quite over: in fact, there’s another designer on the podium, with two optioned projects, one for the tools and one for the powerhead. Congrats guys! Great job!

Let’s meet the winners!

1st Award

Raul Gonzales Podesta


Option right
David Münscher

Battery-Lawn-Tools_BLOG_WINNER-666x350_winner copia


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