Silver wave – Interesting facts about Silver


This post is related to Silver wave, the new idea contest by Greggio on

Silver is a very interesting metal and – quite unexpectedly for many – it has plenty of uses and employments, thanks to its very interesting chemical and physical properties.
To learn some of them, go to the contest page and visit also the Silver Institute website, from which we borrowed many information and materials for this post.

In this post you will find just some uses of silver which are unknown to many people, in the hope they can inspire you to find out even more applications and employments.

1) One interesting feature of Silver is its high quality reflectivity, achieved polishing the metal. For this very reason, many modern skyscrapers have window glass coated with silver to reflect sunlight and reduce air conditioning costs.

2) Silver protects against bacteria and algae. In use together with oxygen it becomes a very effective sanitiser, which is why it is also used for Water purification purposes.

3) Solar energy also makes use of silver, making it one fundamental component for the photovoltaic cells, in the form of silver paste.

4) Silver is also used in photo-films, for the old-school photography negatives. It is also employed by X-Ray technicians.

5) Silver plays an important role in the medical field. Small amounts of silver can coat hospital surfaces and medical equipment to prevent the spread of pathogens. Silver in surgical equipment, wound dressings, and ointments protect wounds from infection.

6) The antimicrobial properties of silver are now being applied in food and hygiene. Nanosilver coatings are applied to food packages and refrigerators. And many new consumer products, door handles, keyboard skins but also washing machines, clothing, and personal hygiene products tout the benefits of antibacterial silver.

7) Silver is also used in electronic components, from circuit-paths to RFID tags: almost anything in consumer electronic has silver parts inside, thanks to the highly conductivity of the metal.

8) For the same conductivity features, it is widely employed also in the automotive sector. Plus, it comes in handy also in the rear-window defrosting system and in the antifreeze compounds.

Indeed, there are so many applications already in use. Now it’s your turn to trace new routes for silver!

If you need some more ideas, check out also this website:
You’ll find 101 different uses of Silver!!!

All the best for your Silver Wave submissions! Rememember, you have time till January 21st.


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